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The NAVigator

May 27, 2022

Nicholas Marshi, editor of the BDC Reporter, says that business-development companies had a good first-quarter across the board, despite troubles across the broad market. After seven quarters of BDC's generally increasing net asset value per share, and while that growth decelerated during the first three months of 2022,...

May 20, 2022

Duncan Farley, portfolio manager for BlueBay Asset Management and co-manager of the Destra International Event Driven Credit Fund, says that today's headlines are driving more companies to distraction and creating the types of problems that he sees as investment opportunities. His fund has taken advantage,...

May 13, 2022

Bill Kelly, president of the CAIA Association, discusses the importance -- which he believes is mostly misplaced -- that many investors place on having daily liquidity in their investments, even though they have no intention of touching the money in the short term. The result of these mis-aligned time frames is that...

May 6, 2022

John Cole Scott, chief investment officer at Closed-End Fund Advisors and the chairman of the Active Investment Company Alliance, talks about the search for closed-end funds that can deliver in rising-rate, high-inflation conditions, talks about five issues from different categories that pass muster now, and explains...